Alexandra P. Mikroulea

Organizing Committee

Alexandra is Professor of Commercial Law at the Law School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Alexandra is founding partner at Mikroulea-Staikouras and Associates and Of Counsel at Koutalidis Law Firm (competition law issues). She is a graduate of the Law School of the University of Athens and has a PhD from the Faculty of Law of the University of Munich (1991-1994). She is member of the Steering Committee of European Law School Network (Humboldt Law School, Kings College, Paris II ASAS, La Sapienza, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Madrid).

She has served as a Special Expert for the Hellenic Competition Commission (1997-2000) and subsequently as a Member thereof (2000-2003). From 2007 to 2009, she represented the Hellenic Bank Association to the EPC Legal Support Group (European Payment Council), while she has also worked as a consultant of the HBA in domestic and international fora. Her academic experience also includes working as a Scientific Fellow at the Max Planck Institute, Munich, on Innovation and Competition (1992-1994, 1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2016-2017) and as a Visiting Scholar at UPenn (University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, USA) in 2010, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Mainz, the Faculty of Law of the University of Munich (2010-2011), Visiting Professor at UCL, London (2018) and at NYU, New York (2018),  at Law School, Humboldt Berlin (2020-2021).

She has an extensive research activity, both in Greece as well as abroad, and has served as a member of law-making committees, in the fields of commercial law, competition law, banking law, capital market law, trademark law and consumer protection law. She represented Greece as National Rapporteur in FIDE (Federation International de Droit Européen), on issues pertaining to competition and private enforcement (2010 and 2016), and consulted on a project for collective redress and competition law, led by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), on behalf of the EU (2017). She has conducted training for judges in competition, commercial and banking law (Thessaloniki, Athens).

She has participated as organizer/moderator and speaker in numerous conferences and events and has published several articles and books in her area of practice. Selected Books: Digital Economy and Competition Law, Platforms, Big Data, Algorithms, Blockchain, 2023, (in Greek), Scope of Managers' Duties and Liability during the financial crisis, Athens 2013 (in Greek), Civil Liability of Banks in payment transactions and funds transfers, Athens 2007 (in Greek), Utility Models. The right of minor inventions to protection, 1999 (in Greek), "Wettbewerbsbeschraekende Maßnahmen der Mitgliedstaaten und EWG-Vertrag. Ihre Vereinbarkeit am Beispiel der Banken", Nomos Universitaesschriften/Recht, nr. 184, 1995 (in German).
