Elias Soufleros

Advisory Board

Elias Soufleros is Emeritus Professor of Commercial Law at the School of Law, University of Athens.  He has received a Law Degree of the Athens University Law School, a Political Science Degree of the Athens University, and a PhD (doctor juris) at the University of Munich, Germany (1982).

He has served in the European Commission, Directorate General for Competition, as administrator-rapporteur in competition cases (1982-1990), and in the Hellenic Competition Commission as a Member (1995-2000), and as its Deputy President (2000-2003). Member of the legislative drafting committee for the reform of Greek Competition Law (2010). Deputy President of the legislative drafting committee for the implementation of Directive 2014/104 on actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions (2017). 

Deputy Member of the Supreme Special Court (Greece) (2016-2017). He has published, among others, 3 books and 28 articles on European and Greek Competition Law.
